
My name is Patrik Benák, I am 19 years old and I come from Czech Republic. I have attended Le Grand Stage de Paris for the first time in December 2022. I had an absolutely amazing experience at the workshop. I have met many new awesome people and had the chance to train with such an amazing teachers who gave me a lot of new knowledge which now helps me to grow into a better dancer everyday. Also at Le Grand Stage de Paris I got introduced to the French style, which for me was very different because I am used to the Vaganova style of training and in the workshop I had so much fun exploring this new style and it was very interesting for me to compare the differences.

Besides all the French teachers that they have been giving classes, I had the chance to take class with Rachel Beaujean the Associate artistic director of HET national ballet. I enjoyed her classes very much and on the end of the week she invited me to Amsterdam to a private audition at HET national ballet. I have successfully received a contract with the HET national ballet Junior Company and can’t be more than happy, it is like a dream come true and I still can’t believe it till today. 

This wouldn’t have happened to me if I wouldn’t have come to Le Grand Stage de Paris and the awesome help of Andrey Klemm. I am endlessly grateful  to Andrey Klemm and his workshop. I definitely recommend to everyone to come to La Grand Stage de Paris to experience this great workshop that will give you new knowledge for lifetime.

Patrik BENÁK

Bonjour, je m'appelle Alfred et je suis au Staatliche Balletschule de Berlin ( école Nationale de Berlin ). 

J'ai intégré cette grande école en passant les pré-auditions du grand stage de Paris. 

Je m’épanouis dans cette école grâce aux différents cours que nous pratiquons. Le classique qui est la matière principale est très intensive et j'adore ça !!!. 

Je pratique le contemporain et la danse de caractère. Ce que j'aime le plus dans cette école ce sont la motivation et la persévérance que nous transmettent les professeurs. Je ne remercierai jamais assez Andrey Klemm pour cette opportunité qui a changé ma vie.

Ces stages m'apprennent tellement, c'est un vrai bonheur de danser avec de grands professionnels

Alfred Nicou