Pre-selection is an option open to all participants from the age of 14 who are registered for the full course of the full course.
It allows the distinguished candidate to be introduced directly by Andrey Klemm to international schools and companies, such as: Amsterdam, Berlin, London, Monaco or others... in order to pass an entrance audition.
Candidates who subscribe to this option will be given a special badge to wear daily so that Andrey Klemm can particularly evaluate their performance, regardless of the day or the course.
Within 10 days of the end of the internship, we will publish the list of successful candidates on the website.
Andrey Klemm will contact each candidate individually in order to obtain from them a dance video (maximum 4min), a CV and 2 full-length photos. The applicant will have a maximum of 15 days to respond to the application, failing which their participation will not be accepted.
1 - When purchasing your ticket for the course, you will have to tick the box "I wish to participate in the pre-selection".
2 - Please send a recent portrait photo in jpg format to the following address as soon as possible:
3 - On the first day of the course, upon your arrival you will pay 25€ in cash or by cheque payable to Andrey Klemm.
4 - A coloured badge (example below) will be given to you so that you can wear it prominently in all classes, every day of the course.
Color badge for the workshop with pre-selection
White badge for the workshop without pre-selection
If you have any further questions about the pre-selection, please contact us by mail: